

+86 15270269218


  • ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器
  • ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器
  • ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器

ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器   是一款用于精密工业应用的高性能伺服控制器,广泛应用于自动化和制造业中。

ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器   详情介绍: 

Atlas Copco TC-4000-S-ES 伺服控制器是一款用于精密工业应用的高性能伺服控制器,广泛应用于自动化和制造业中。该伺服控制器由Atlas Copco设计和制造,适用于需要精确控制和高效操作的复杂机械系统。


  1. 高精度控制

    • TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器能够提供非常精确的运动控制,确保设备在操作中的准确性和一致性。适合于对精度要求极高的自动化过程。
  2. 多功能性

    • 该控制器支持多种伺服电机和执行器,适用于各种工业应用。它能够轻松集成到不同类型的机械系统中,提供灵活的控制解决方案。
  3. 用户友好界面

    • TC-4000-S-ES设计有易于使用的界面,使得设置和调试过程更为简便。用户可以通过直观的界面进行参数调整和系统监控。
  4. 高效能量管理

    • 控制器具有智能能量管理功能,能够优化功耗,减少运行成本。它还支持能量回收功能,有助于提高整体能源效率。
  5. 耐用性和可靠性

    • 作为工业级设备,TC-4000-S-ES具备高度的耐用性,能够在苛刻的环境中长时间稳定运行。它设计坚固,能够抵抗灰尘、湿气和温度波动。
  6. 集成通信接口

    • 控制器配备了多种通信接口,支持与上位机、PLC或其他控制系统的无缝连接,方便集成到现有的自动化网络中。
  7. 安全特性

    • 该控制器具备多种安全功能,包括过载保护、短路保护和故障诊断,确保系统运行的安全性。


  • 自动化装配线:用于控制复杂的自动化设备,如机器人和机械手臂,确保精确的装配操作。
  • 精密制造:在精密加工和制造过程中,提供高精度的运动控制,确保产品质量的一致性。
  • 包装机械:控制包装设备的伺服电机,实现精确的包装和标签操作。
  • 电子制造:在电子元件制造中用于控制高速和高精度的生产设备。

ATLAS COPCO TC-4000-S-ES伺服控制器    实物图片:


english introduction:

Atlas Copco TC-4000-S-ES servo controller is a high-performance servo controller used in precision industrial applications, widely used in automation and manufacturing industries. This servo controller is designed and manufactured by Atlas Copco and is suitable for complex mechanical systems that require precise control and efficient operation.

Main features:

High precision control:

The TC-4000-S-ES servo controller can provide very precise motion control, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the equipment during operation. Suitable for automation processes that require extremely high precision.


This controller supports multiple servo motors and actuators, suitable for various industrial applications. It can be easily integrated into different types of mechanical systems, providing flexible control solutions.

User friendly interface:

The TC-4000-S-ES is designed with an easy-to-use interface, making the setup and debugging process easier. Users can adjust parameters and monitor the system through an intuitive interface.

Efficient Energy Management:

The controller has intelligent energy management function, which can optimize power consumption and reduce operating costs. It also supports energy recovery function, which helps improve overall energy efficiency.

Durability and reliability:

As an industrial grade equipment, TC-4000-S-ES has high durability and can operate stably for a long time in harsh environments. It is designed to be sturdy and resistant to dust, moisture, and temperature fluctuations.

Integrated communication interface:

The controller is equipped with multiple communication interfaces, supporting seamless connection with the upper computer, PLC or other control systems, making it easy to integrate into existing automation networks.

Security features:

This controller has multiple safety functions, including overload protection, short circuit protection, and fault diagnosis, to ensure the safety of system operation.

Application areas:

Automated assembly line: used to control complex automated equipment such as robots and robotic arms to ensure precise assembly operations.

Precision manufacturing: providing high-precision motion control during precision machining and manufacturing processes to ensure consistency in product quality.

Packaging Machinery: Control the servo motor of packaging equipment to achieve precise packaging and labeling operations.

Electronic manufacturing: Used in the manufacturing of electronic components to control high-speed and high-precision production equipment.

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+86 15270269218