

+86 15270269218

BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器

  • BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器
  • BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器
  • BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器

BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器    是一款紧凑型的工业控制器,属于 Beckhoff CX 系列。

BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器     详情介绍: 

BECKHOFF CX1020N000 是一款紧凑型的工业控制器,属于 Beckhoff CX 系列。它以其高性能、紧凑设计和灵活性在各种自动化和控制应用中得到广泛应用。CX1020N000 主要用于实时控制任务,并提供了丰富的接口和扩展选项。


  1. 高性能处理器

    • CX1020N000 配备了高性能的处理器,能够处理复杂的控制任务和实时数据处理。处理器的高计算能力确保了系统的快速响应和处理速度。
  2. 紧凑设计

    • 该控制器采用紧凑的设计,适合在空间有限的环境中使用。其小巧的尺寸使其能够轻松集成到各种控制面板和机箱中。
  3. 集成 I/O 模块

    • 控制器内置了多个 I/O 接口,包括数字输入/输出和模拟输入/输出,提供了灵活的连接选项,适用于各种传感器和执行器的接入。
  4. EtherCAT 现场总线

    • CX1020N000 支持 EtherCAT 现场总线技术,提供高速度和高精度的数据传输能力。EtherCAT 使得系统能够实现快速的实时控制和数据采集。
  5. 丰富的通信接口

    • 控制器配备了多种通信接口,如以太网、串口(RS-232/RS-485)、USB 接口等,支持与其他设备和系统的集成和数据交换。
  6. 运行 Windows Embedded

    • CX1020N000 运行 Windows Embedded 操作系统,提供了稳定的操作环境和丰富的软件支持,方便进行编程和配置。
  7. 灵活的编程选项

    • 支持多种编程语言和环境,包括 IEC 61131-3 标准的 PLC 编程语言、C++ 和其他高级编程语言,提供了灵活的开发选项。
  8. 内置存储

    • 内置存储空间用于程序和数据存储,支持程序的快速加载和运行。

BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器    实物图片:


english introduction:

BECKHOFF CX1020N000 is a compact industrial controller belonging to the Beckhoff CX series. It is widely used in various automation and control applications due to its high performance, compact design, and flexibility. CX1020N000 is mainly used for real-time control tasks and provides rich interfaces and expansion options.

Main features:

High performance processor:

The CX1020N000 is equipped with a high-performance processor that can handle complex control tasks and real-time data processing. The high computing power of the processor ensures fast response and processing speed of the system.

Compact design:

This controller adopts a compact design and is suitable for use in environments with limited space. Its compact size allows it to be easily integrated into various control panels and chassis.

Integrated I/O module:

The controller is equipped with multiple I/O interfaces, including digital input/output and analog input/output, providing flexible connection options for various sensors and actuators.

EtherCAT fieldbus:

CX1020N000 supports EtherCAT fieldbus technology, providing high-speed and high-precision data transmission capabilities. EtherCAT enables the system to achieve fast real-time control and data acquisition.

Rich communication interfaces:

The controller is equipped with multiple communication interfaces, such as Ethernet, serial port (RS-232/RS-485), USB interface, etc., supporting integration and data exchange with other devices and systems.

Run Windows Embedded:

CX1020N000 runs the Windows Embedded operating system, providing a stable operating environment and rich software support for easy programming and configuration.

Flexible programming options:

Supports multiple programming languages and environments, including IEC 61131-3 standard PLC programming language, C++, and other high-level programming languages, providing flexible development options.

Built in storage:

Built in storage space is used for program and data storage, supporting fast loading and running of programs.

BECKHOFF CX1020N000控制器    相关产品:

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PMB33C-00100-01AMAT 0100-1401PFVL141C
PMB31D-10100-01AMAT 0100-00853PFVL141R
PMB31B-20114-02AMAT 0100-14010PFVL141V
PMB21B-Y0Y00-11AMAT 0100-76297PFXC141
PMB33E-20201-01AMAT 0160-00018PXAH401
PMB33C-10114-00AMAT 0100-01341PXKB201
PMB31B-10216-01AMAT 0090-A8211PXUB201


+86 15270269218