

+86 15270269218

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪

  • BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪
  • BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪
  • BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪   是一款高精度的绝缘监测仪,用于检测和监控电气系统中的绝缘状态。

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪  详情介绍: 

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435 是一款高精度的绝缘监测仪,用于检测和监控电气系统中的绝缘状态。这种设备主要用于确保电气系统的安全性和可靠性,适用于各种工业和建筑环境中的绝缘监测需求。


  1. 高精度绝缘监测

    • 该设备提供高精度的绝缘电阻测量,能够实时监控电气系统的绝缘状态。它能够检测绝缘劣化、短路或其他电气故障,以防止潜在的安全风险。
  2. 多功能测量

    • IRDH575B1W-435 能够测量多种电气参数,包括绝缘电阻、漏电流、绝缘故障定位等。它通常支持多个测量范围和功能,以满足不同应用的需求。
  3. 实时监控

    • 该设备支持实时监控,能够提供连续的绝缘状态数据和警报。通过实时数据监控,可以及时发现绝缘问题并采取必要的措施进行处理。
  4. 宽电压范围

    • 设备支持宽范围的电压测量,能够适应不同电压等级的电气系统。它可以在广泛的电压范围内进行有效的绝缘监测。
  5. 报警功能

    • 配备多种报警功能,当绝缘电阻降到设定阈值以下时,设备会自动发出警报。报警功能帮助用户及时发现潜在的绝缘问题并采取行动。
  6. 数据记录和分析

    • 支持数据记录和分析功能,可以保存历史数据和测量结果,供后续分析和故障排除使用。数据记录功能也有助于维护和管理电气系统。
  7. 易于安装和操作

    • 设计简洁,易于安装和操作。用户界面通常直观,支持快速配置和操作,方便用户进行各种设置和测量。
  8. 耐用性和可靠性

    • 设备设计坚固耐用,适合在工业环境中使用。它通常具备防尘、防水和抗震特性,以确保在恶劣环境中稳定运行。

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪   实物图片:


english introduction:

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435 is a high-precision insulation monitoring device used to detect and monitor the insulation status in electrical systems. This type of equipment is mainly used to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical systems, and is suitable for insulation monitoring needs in various industrial and building environments.

Main features:

High precision insulation monitoring:

This device provides high-precision insulation resistance measurement and can monitor the insulation status of electrical systems in real time. It can detect insulation degradation, short circuits, or other electrical faults to prevent potential safety risks.

Multi functional measurement:

IRDH575B1W-435 is capable of measuring various electrical parameters, including insulation resistance, leakage current, and insulation fault location. It typically supports multiple measurement ranges and functions to meet the needs of different applications.

Real time monitoring:

This device supports real-time monitoring and can provide continuous insulation status data and alarms. Through real-time data monitoring, insulation problems can be detected in a timely manner and necessary measures can be taken to address them.

Wide voltage range:

The device supports wide range voltage measurement and can adapt to electrical systems with different voltage levels. It can perform effective insulation monitoring over a wide voltage range.

Alarm function:

Equipped with multiple alarm functions, the equipment will automatically sound an alarm when the insulation resistance drops below the set threshold. The alarm function helps users detect potential insulation issues in a timely manner and take action.

Data recording and analysis:

Support data recording and analysis functions, which can save historical data and measurement results for subsequent analysis and troubleshooting. The data recording function also helps maintain and manage electrical systems.

Easy to install and operate:

The design is simple, easy to install and operate. The user interface is usually intuitive, supporting quick configuration and operation, making it convenient for users to make various settings and measurements.

Durability and reliability:

The device is designed to be sturdy and durable, suitable for use in industrial environments. It usually has dust-proof, waterproof, and seismic characteristics to ensure stable operation in harsh environments.

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PMB31B-20200-02AMAT 0100-00546SD821
PMB33C-20116-03AMAT 0100-35083SD822
PMB33F-00200-00AMAT 0090-A6200PFTL101A
PMB31B-10114-00AMAT  0100-76303PFTL201C
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PMB31D-10100-00AMAT 0100-09362PFEA111 
PMB33C-00114-02AMAT 0100-00852PFEA113 


+86 15270269218