

+86 15270269218

BENDER IRDH375B-435 绝缘检测仪

  • BENDER IRDH375B-435 绝缘检测仪
  • BENDER IRDH375B-435 绝缘检测仪
  • BENDER IRDH375B-435 绝缘检测仪

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪   是一款高精度的绝缘监测仪,用于检测和监控电气系统中的绝缘状态。

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪  详情介绍: 

Bender IRDH375B-435 是一款高性能的绝缘检测仪,用于监测和评估电气系统中的绝缘状态。它被广泛应用于工业、建筑和基础设施等领域,以确保电气系统的安全性和可靠性。


  1. 高精度绝缘监测

    • 提供高精度的绝缘电阻测量,能够实时监控电气系统的绝缘状态,以便及时发现绝缘劣化或故障,预防潜在的电气安全问题。
  2. 多功能测量

    • 支持多种测量功能,包括绝缘电阻、漏电流和绝缘故障定位。能够满足不同电气系统和应用场景的需求。
  3. 实时监控和报警

    • 具备实时监控功能,并能够在绝缘电阻降到设定阈值以下时发出报警。此功能帮助用户及时识别和应对绝缘问题,防止故障蔓延。
  4. 宽电压范围

    • 设备支持广泛的电压范围,可以进行不同电压等级电气系统的有效监测,适应多种应用环境。
  5. 数据记录和分析

    • 支持数据记录功能,可以保存测量数据和历史记录,以便进行后续分析和故障诊断。这对于维护管理和预防性维护非常有帮助。
  6. 用户友好的操作界面

    • 设备通常配备易于使用的界面,支持直观的操作和设置。用户可以通过界面快速配置设备、查看测量结果和进行故障诊断。
  7. 耐用设计

    • 设计坚固耐用,能够适应恶劣的工业环境,如高温、湿度、灰尘和振动。设备通常具备防尘、防水和抗震等特性,以确保在各种环境中稳定运行。

BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪   实物图片:


english introduction:

Bender IRDH375B-435 is a high-performance insulation tester used to monitor and evaluate the insulation status in electrical systems. It is widely used in industries, buildings, and infrastructure to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical systems.

Main features:

High precision insulation monitoring:

Provide high-precision insulation resistance measurement, which can monitor the insulation status of electrical systems in real time, in order to detect insulation degradation or faults in a timely manner and prevent potential electrical safety issues.

Multi functional measurement:

Supports multiple measurement functions, including insulation resistance, leakage current, and insulation fault location. Can meet the needs of different electrical systems and application scenarios.

Real time monitoring and alarm:

It has real-time monitoring function and can issue an alarm when the insulation resistance drops below the set threshold. This feature helps users identify and respond to insulation issues in a timely manner, preventing the spread of faults.

Wide voltage range:

The device supports a wide voltage range and can effectively monitor electrical systems of different voltage levels, adapting to various application environments.

Data recording and analysis:

Support data recording function, which can save measurement data and historical records for subsequent analysis and fault diagnosis. This is very helpful for maintenance management and preventive maintenance.

User friendly operating interface:

Devices are typically equipped with easy-to-use interfaces that support intuitive operation and settings. Users can quickly configure devices, view measurement results, and perform fault diagnosis through the interface.

Durable design:

Designed to be sturdy and durable, able to adapt to harsh industrial environments such as high temperature, humidity, dust, and vibration. Equipment typically has features such as dust, water, and earthquake resistance to ensure stable operation in various environments.

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PMB32D-00116-01AMAT 0100-00034PFVL141C
PMB31B-20201-03AMAT 0100-00429PFVL141R 
PMB33E-10201-03AMAT 0500-00065PFVA401 
PMB31D-10100-00AMAT 0100-09362PFEA111 
PMB33C-00114-02AMAT 0100-00852PFEA113 
PMB33E-00101-01AMAT 0100-00025PFRL 101A
PMB31B-20101-01AMAT 0100-20265PFRL 101C
PMB31B-20114-03AMAT 0100-00015PFTL301E 


+86 15270269218