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BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块

  • BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块
  • BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块
  • BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块

BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块  是一款用于高速脉冲控制的单元模块。

BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块  详情介绍: 

BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131 是一款用于高速脉冲控制的单元模块。该模块主要用于自动化控制系统中,以提供高精度和高速度的脉冲输出。它广泛应用于工业自动化、运动控制和其他需要精确脉冲信号的场景。


  1. 高速脉冲输出

    • 设计用于生成高速脉冲信号,适用于需要高频率和高精度控制的应用。能够满足对脉冲频率和精度要求严格的应用需求。
  2. 高精度控制

    • 提供高精度的脉冲信号控制,确保运动控制系统中位置和速度的准确性。适合用于精密机械和自动化系统中的定位和速度控制。
  3. 多通道输出

    • 通常支持多个脉冲输出通道,可以同时控制多个轴或设备,提高系统的灵活性和扩展性。
  4. 灵活配置

    • 具备灵活的配置选项,允许用户根据具体需求调整脉冲信号的频率、宽度和其他参数,以适应不同的应用场景。
  5. 集成控制

    • 集成在控制系统中,与其他模块和控制器进行有效的通信和协作。可以与PLC、运动控制器等系统进行无缝集成。
  6. 耐用性

    • 设计坚固耐用,适合在恶劣的工业环境中使用。通常具备防尘、防潮和抗震特性,以保证长期稳定运行。
  7. 用户友好的接口

    • 提供直观的操作和配置界面,便于用户进行设置和调整。通常支持与控制系统的软件进行交互,简化操作和管理。

BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131高速脉冲单元模块  实物图片:


english introduction:

BERGHOF CE3CPU-1131 is a unit module used for high-speed pulse control. This module is mainly used in automation control systems to provide high-precision and high-speed pulse output. It is widely used in industrial automation, motion control, and other scenarios that require precise pulse signals.

Main features:

High speed pulse output:

Designed to generate high-speed pulse signals, suitable for applications that require high-frequency and high-precision control. Can meet the strict application requirements for pulse frequency and accuracy.

High precision control:

Provide high-precision pulse signal control to ensure the accuracy of position and velocity in the motion control system. Suitable for positioning and speed control in precision machinery and automation systems.

Multi channel output:

Usually supports multiple pulse output channels, which can simultaneously control multiple axes or devices, improving the flexibility and scalability of the system.

Flexible configuration:

Having flexible configuration options, allowing users to adjust the frequency, width, and other parameters of pulse signals according to specific needs to adapt to different application scenarios.

Integrated control:

Integrated into the control system for effective communication and collaboration with other modules and controllers. It can be seamlessly integrated with systems such as PLC and motion controllers.


Designed to be sturdy and durable, suitable for use in harsh industrial environments. It usually has dustproof, moisture-proof, and seismic characteristics to ensure long-term stable operation.

User friendly interface:

Provide an intuitive interface for operation and configuration, making it easy for users to set up and adjust. Usually supports interaction with control system software, simplifying operation and management.

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PMB33C-00100-00AMAT 0100-01415PFRL101A 1.0KN 3BSE023317R0002
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+86 15270269218