

+86 15270269218

Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块

  •  Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块
  •  Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块
  •  Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块

 Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块  是一款工业通讯模块,主要用于在自动化系统中实现 CAN (Controller Area Network) 通讯。

 Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块  详情介绍: 

Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 是一款工业通讯模块,主要用于在自动化系统中实现 CAN (Controller Area Network) 通讯。它通常用于与其他设备进行数据交换、实时监控和控制。以下是该通讯模块的一些主要特点和技术规格:


  1. CAN通讯

    • 支持标准的 CAN 协议,用于在工业网络中进行数据传输和设备间的通讯。
  2. 高可靠性

    • 工业级设计,能够在恶劣环境下稳定运行,确保可靠的数据传输和通讯。
  3. 灵活配置

    • 支持多种配置选项,能够与多种自动化系统和设备兼容。
  4. 简便集成

    • 设计用于与 Helmholz 的其他自动化产品和系统无缝集成,简化系统的配置和维护。


  • 通讯接口

    • CAN接口:支持标准的 CAN 协议(如 CAN 2.0A/B),用于与 CAN 总线上的其他设备进行通讯。
    • 接口数量:通常提供多个 CAN 接口,以支持多个 CAN 网络或设备连接。
  • 通讯速度

    • 支持可配置的 CAN 总线速度,通常从 10 kbps 到 1 Mbps,具体取决于模块的配置。
  • 工作温度范围

    • 工业级设计,通常适应-40°C 到 +70°C 的温度范围。
  • 电源要求

    • 需要稳定的直流电源供应,具体电源要求取决于模块的配置。
  • 安装方式

    • 通常支持 DIN 导轨安装或其他工业标准安装方式,适应不同的安装需求。

 Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 通讯模块  实物图片:


english introduction:

Helmholz 700-600-CAN01 is an industrial communication module mainly used for implementing CAN (Controller Area Network) communication in automation systems. It is typically used for data exchange, real-time monitoring, and control with other devices. Here are some of the main features and technical specifications of this communication module:

Main characteristics

CAN communication:

Supports standard CAN protocol for data transmission and communication between devices in industrial networks.

High reliability:

Industrial grade design, capable of stable operation in harsh environments, ensuring reliable data transmission and communication.

Flexible configuration:

Supports multiple configuration options and is compatible with various automation systems and devices.

Easy integration:

Designed for seamless integration with Helmholz's other automation products and systems, simplifying system configuration and maintenance.

technical specifications

Communication interface:

CAN interface: Supports standard CAN protocols (such as CAN 2.0A/B) for communication with other devices on the CAN bus.

Number of interfaces: Typically, multiple CAN interfaces are provided to support the connection of multiple CAN networks or devices.

Communication speed:

Supports configurable CAN bus speeds, typically ranging from 10 kbps to 1 Mbps, depending on the module configuration.

Working temperature range:

Industrial grade design, typically suitable for temperatures ranging from -40 ° C to+70 ° C.

Power requirements:

A stable DC power supply is required, and the specific power requirements depend on the configuration of the module.

Installation method:

Usually supports DIN rail installation or other industrial standard installation methods to meet different installation needs.

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 002-1-23158-10 印刷电路板


PMB31D-20216-00AMAT 0240-31854PFTL101AE 1.0KN 3BSE004212R1
PMB33E-10100-00AMAT 0100-09118PFTL101AE 2.0KN 3BSE004213R1
PMB33E-00201-01AMAT 0100-01352PFTL101AER 0.5KN 3BSE023010R1
PMB31B-00216-03AMAT 0100-35346PFTL101AER 1.0KN 3BSE023011R1
PMB31B-10100-03AMAT 0100-71304PFTL101AER 2.0KN 3BSE023012R1
PMB31B-10214-02AMAT 0100-00013PFTL101B 2.0KN 3BSE004185R1
PMB31D-00116-00AMAT 0100-09028PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
PMB31D-10201-01AMAT 0130-20335PFTL101B 10.0KN 3BSE004197R1
PMB31D-10216-03AMAT 0100-20062PFTL101B 20.0KN 3BSE004203R1


+86 15270269218