

+86 15270269218

KEBA K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块

  • KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块
  • KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块
  • KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块

KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块  是一款模拟量输入模块,用于工业自动化系统中的数据采集和控制。

KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块   详情介绍: 

KEBA K2-400-DI470A 是一款模拟量输入模块,用于工业自动化系统中的数据采集和控制。KEBA 的 K2 系列产品设计用于提供高精度和可靠的输入信号处理。以下是 K2-400-DI470A 模块的主要特点和技术规格:


  1. 高精度数据采集

    • 提供高精度的模拟量信号输入,适用于精确的测量和控制应用。
  2. 多通道输入

    • 设计为支持多个模拟输入通道,适合需要同时采集多个信号的应用。
  3. 工业级设计

    • 设计用于恶劣的工业环境,具有高耐用性和稳定性。
  4. 模块化设计

    • 模块化设计方便集成到自动化系统中,支持灵活配置和扩展。


  • 输入类型

    • 模拟输入:通常支持电压和电流输入类型,具体支持的类型和范围可能取决于型号和配置。
  • 输入通道

    • 通道数量:提供多个模拟输入通道,通常为 4 或 8 个通道,具体数量取决于型号。
  • 输入范围

    • 电压输入:支持的电压范围,例如 ±10V、0-10V、0-5V 等。
    • 电流输入:支持的电流范围,例如 4-20mA、0-20mA 等。
  • 分辨率和精度

    • 提供高分辨率和精度的数据采集,具体规格可能因型号而异。
  • 采样速度

    • 提供高速的数据采样,适应实时控制和数据监测需求。
  • 通讯接口

    • 支持与控制系统的通讯,通常通过工业标准接口如 Profibus、EtherCAT、CANopen 等。
  • 工作温度范围

    • 工业级设计,通常在 -10°C 到 +60°C 之间工作,具体取决于实际应用环境。
  • 安装方式

    • 支持 DIN 导轨安装或其他标准安装方式,方便集成到控制柜或设备中。

KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块   实物图片:


english introduction:

KEBA K2-400-DI470A is an analog input module used for data acquisition and control in industrial automation systems. KEBA's K2 series products are designed to provide high-precision and reliable input signal processing. The following are the main features and technical specifications of the K2-400-DI470A module:

Main characteristics

High precision data collection:

Provide high-precision analog signal input, suitable for precise measurement and control applications.

Multi channel input:

Designed to support multiple analog input channels, suitable for applications that require simultaneous acquisition of multiple signals.

Industrial grade design:

Designed for harsh industrial environments, it has high durability and stability.

Modular design:

Modular design facilitates integration into automation systems and supports flexible configuration and expansion.

technical specifications

Input type:

Analog input: Usually supports voltage and current input types, and the specific supported types and ranges may depend on the model and configuration.

Input channel:

Number of channels: Provides multiple analog input channels, typically 4 or 8 channels, depending on the model.

Input range:

Voltage input: supported voltage range, such as ± 10V, 0-10V, 0-5V, etc.

Current input: supported current range, such as 4-20mA, 0-20mA, etc.

Resolution and accuracy:

Provide high-resolution and accurate data acquisition, specific specifications may vary by model.

Sampling speed:

Provide high-speed data sampling to meet the needs of real-time control and data monitoring.

Communication interface:

Communication with control systems is usually supported through industry standard interfaces such as Profibus, EtherCAT, CANopen, etc.

Working temperature range:

Industrial grade design typically operates between -10 ° C and+60 ° C, depending on the actual application environment.

Installation method:

Supports DIN rail installation or other standard installation methods, making it easy to integrate into control cabinets or equipment.

KEBA  K2-400-DI470A模拟量模块   相关产品:

 AI815 3BSE052604R1 Analog input module

 AIM0006 digital module

 CI543 3BSE010699R1 Communication interface module

 067-02121-0005 中央控制器模块


 61-0476-20 印刷电路板

PMB31B-00101-00AMAT 0100-90554PFTL201C 20.0KN
PMB31B-10114-01AMAT  0100-00049PFTL201C 50.0KN
PMB31B-10116-02AMAT 0100-91085PFTL201CE 10.0KN
PMB31D-00100-01AMAT 0100-76085PFTL201CE 20.0KN 3BSE007913R21
PMB33E-20116-03AMAT 0100-00408PFTL201CE 50.0KN 3BSE007913R51
PMB32D-00201-00Amat 0100-20213PFTL201D 50.0KN
PMB33E-00116-01AMAT 0100-76046PFTL201D 100.0KN 3BSE008922R100
PMB33C-20116-02AMAT  0100-00024PFTL201DE 50.0KN 3BSE008922R51


+86 15270269218