

+86 15270269218

KOYO F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块

  • KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块
  • KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块
  • KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块

KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块  是一款模拟量输出模块,专为工业自动化控制系统设计,通常用于 PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)系统中。

KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块   详情介绍: 

KOYO F4-16DA-1 是一款模拟量输出模块,专为工业自动化控制系统设计,通常用于 PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)系统中。该模块为各种设备和系统提供精确的模拟输出信号,用于控制诸如电动执行器、变频器、阀门和其他需要模拟信号控制的设备。


  1. 多通道输出

    • 该模块提供 16 个模拟输出通道,可以同时控制多个设备,非常适合复杂的控制系统。
  2. 高精度输出

    • 支持高分辨率的输出信号,确保系统控制的精确性和可靠性。
  3. 灵活性强

    • 模块支持多种类型的模拟输出信号,包括电流和电压输出,适用于不同的应用需求。
  4. 模块化设计

    • 易于集成到 PLC 系统中,支持模块化扩展和配置,满足不同应用场景的需求。


  • 输出通道

    • 通道数量:16 个独立的模拟输出通道。
  • 输出类型

    • 电压输出:通常支持 0-10V 或 ±10V 的电压输出。
    • 电流输出:通常支持 4-20mA 或 0-20mA 的电流输出。
  • 分辨率

    • 精度:12 位或更高的分辨率,确保输出信号的精确度。
  • 更新速度

    • 采样率:具备快速的更新速度,能够实时响应控制系统的指令。
  • 供电电压

    • 电源要求:通常使用 24V DC 的电源供电。
  • 工作温度范围

    • 温度范围:-10°C 至 60°C,适用于各种工业环境。
  • 接口与通讯

    • 通讯接口:与主控 PLC 系统通过标准的总线接口连接,通常是通过背板总线与 PLC 机架连接。
  • 尺寸和重量

    • 紧凑设计:模块设计紧凑,便于安装在控制柜中。

KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块  实物图片:


english introduction:

KOYO F4-16DA-1 is an analog output module designed specifically for industrial automation control systems, commonly used in PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) systems. This module provides precise analog output signals for various devices and systems, used to control devices such as electric actuators, frequency converters, valves, and others that require analog signal control.

Main characteristics

Multi channel output:

This module provides 16 analog output channels, which can control multiple devices simultaneously, making it very suitable for complex control systems.

High precision output:

Support high-resolution output signals to ensure the accuracy and reliability of system control.

Strong flexibility:

The module supports multiple types of analog output signals, including current and voltage outputs, suitable for different application requirements.

Modular design:

Easy to integrate into PLC systems, supports modular expansion and configuration, and meets the needs of different application scenarios.

technical specifications

Output channel:

Number of channels: 16 independent analog output channels.

Output type:

Voltage output: usually supports voltage output of 0-10V or ± 10V.

Current output: Usually supports 4-20mA or 0-20mA current output.

resolving power:

Accuracy: A resolution of 12 bits or higher ensures the accuracy of the output signal.

Update speed:

Sampling rate: It has a fast update speed and can respond to control system instructions in real time.

Supply voltage:

Power requirements: Usually powered by a 24V DC power supply.

Working temperature range:

Temperature range: -10 ° C to 60 ° C, suitable for various industrial environments.

Interface and Communication:

Communication interface: Connected to the main control PLC system through a standard bus interface, usually connected to the PLC rack through a backplane bus.

Size and weight:

Compact design: The module design is compact and easy to install in the control cabinet.

KOYO  F4-16DA-1模拟量输出模块  相关产品:

 AIM0006 digital module

 CI543 3BSE010699R1 Communication interface module

 COZBU 110 306/1 controller


 61-0476-20 印刷电路板


PMB32D-00201-00Amat 0100-20213PFTL201D 50.0KN
PMB33E-00116-01AMAT 0100-76046PFTL201D 100.0KN 3BSE008922R100
PMB33C-20116-02AMAT  0100-00024PFTL201DE 50.0KN 3BSE008922R51
PMB33F-10200-01AMAT 0100-A2630PFTL201DE 100.0KN
PMB33C-10116-02AMAT 0100-0010157120001-FG DSAO 130
PMB33C-00214-01AMAT 0100-0027557120001-FS DSTA 140
PMB33C-10216-00AMAT 0100-007557120001-FX DSAI 160
PMB33C-20116-01AMAT 0100-2003857120001-GB DSAI 165
PMB31B-10101-01AMAT 0100-0000157120001-HE DSAI 309


+86 15270269218