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  • LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块
  • LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块
  • LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块

LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块  是一款模拟量输入模块,通常用于船舶自动化系统中,帮助监测和控制船舶设备的运行状态

LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块  详情介绍: 

LYNGSO MARINE AEM402是一款模拟量输入模块,通常用于船舶自动化系统中,帮助监测和控制船舶设备的运行状态。LYNGSO MARINE以其高可靠性和适应严苛海洋环境的产品而闻名,AEM402模块就是其中之一。


  1. 多通道输入:AEM402模块通常支持多通道模拟输入,能够同时监测多个传感器的信号,适合需要广泛监测的系统。
  2. 高精度:模块具有高精度的模拟信号采集能力,确保数据的准确性和系统的可靠运行。
  3. 兼容性强:设计时考虑了与船舶自动化系统的广泛兼容性,能够集成到现有的船舶管理系统中。
  4. 环境适应性:AEM402专为海洋环境设计,能够在高湿、高盐和振动环境中稳定工作。
  5. 易于安装和维护:模块设计紧凑,易于集成到控制柜中,且提供了便捷的接线方式,简化了安装和维护过程。


  • 输入类型:支持多种类型的模拟输入信号,如电压输入(0-10V)或电流输入(4-20mA),具体取决于模块的配置。
  • 分辨率:模块具有高分辨率的A/D转换能力,通常在12位或16位,确保信号的精确采集。
  • 响应时间:具有快速的响应时间,能够实时监测快速变化的信号。
  • 供电要求:通常需要24V DC供电,具体电源要求可根据系统需求选择。
  • 接口类型:提供标准化的接线端子,便于与其他控制系统的连接。


  • 船舶自动化系统:用于船舶的监测和控制系统,实时采集各种关键参数,如温度、压力、液位等。
  • 发动机监控:监测船舶发动机的运行状态,通过采集温度、压力等信号,确保发动机的正常运行。
  • 环境监测:在船舶的环境监测系统中,采集空气质量、水质等环境参数,为船员提供安全的工作环境。
  • 液位控制:在船舶的液位控制系统中,采集燃油舱、压载水舱等的液位信号,确保船舶的稳定性和安全性。

LYNGSO MARINE AEM402模拟量输入模块   实物图片:


english introduction:

LYNGSO MARINE AEM402 is an analog input module commonly used in ship automation systems to assist in monitoring and controlling the operational status of ship equipment. LYNGSO MARINE is renowned for its high reliability and adaptability to harsh marine environments, and the AEM402 module is one of them.

Main features:

Multi channel input: The AEM402 module typically supports multi-channel analog input and can simultaneously monitor signals from multiple sensors, making it suitable for systems that require extensive monitoring.

High precision: The module has high-precision analog signal acquisition capability, ensuring the accuracy of data and reliable operation of the system.

Strong compatibility: The design considers extensive compatibility with ship automation systems and can be integrated into existing ship management systems.

Environmental adaptability: AEM402 is designed specifically for marine environments and can operate stably in high humidity, high salinity, and vibration environments.

Easy to install and maintain: The module design is compact, easy to integrate into the control cabinet, and provides convenient wiring methods, simplifying the installation and maintenance process.

Technical parameters:

Input type: Supports multiple types of analog input signals, such as voltage input (0-10V) or current input (4-20mA), depending on the module configuration.

Resolution: The module has high-resolution A/D conversion capability, usually in 12 or 16 bits, to ensure accurate signal acquisition.

Response time: It has a fast response time and can monitor rapidly changing signals in real time.

Power supply requirements: Usually requires 24V DC power supply, specific power requirements can be selected according to system requirements.

Interface type: Provide standardized wiring terminals for easy connection with other control systems.

Application areas:

Ship automation system: used for monitoring and control of ships, real-time collection of various key parameters such as temperature, pressure, liquid level, etc.

Engine monitoring: Monitor the operating status of ship engines by collecting signals such as temperature and pressure to ensure their normal operation.

Environmental monitoring: In the ship's environmental monitoring system, environmental parameters such as air quality and water quality are collected to provide a safe working environment for crew members.

Liquid level control: In the liquid level control system of a ship, the liquid level signals of fuel tanks, ballast water tanks, etc. are collected to ensure the stability and safety of the ship.

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ASYST ETON ET866 94V-0 独立显卡

PMB31D-20114-03IMFAI013BSE008062R1 PM633          
PMB33E-20114-01IMFBS013BSE001552R1 SC610             
PMB31B-20114-01IMFCS013BSE003816R1 SC520       
PMB11B-10Y14-04IMFEC113BSE000435R1 SC513         
PMB33C-00114-00IMFEC123BSE000860R1 SB510             
PMB31B-00116-02IMHSS023BSE000863R1 SR511       
PMB33C-00116-00IMMFC043BSE001449R1 TC520          


+86 15270269218