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Nagano ATM1613光电编码器

  • Nagano ATM1613光电编码器
  • Nagano ATM1613光电编码器
  • Nagano ATM1613光电编码器

Nagano ATM1613光电编码器    是一款高精度的光电编码器,广泛应用于各种工业自动化和控制系统中。

Nagano ATM1613光电编码器    详情介绍: 

Nagano ATM1613是一款高精度的光电编码器,广泛应用于各种工业自动化和控制系统中。光电编码器用于测量旋转运动的角度、速度和位置,通过将机械运动转换为电信号,实现精确的运动控制。


  1. 高分辨率

    • 分辨率:Nagano ATM1613提供高分辨率的输出,能够精确测量旋转角度和位置,通常分辨率达到千分之一度(即高达几千脉冲每转)。
    • 精度:提供高精度的角度和位置测量,适用于要求高精度运动控制的应用场景。
  2. 光电测量技术

    • 光电传感:利用光电传感技术,将旋转运动转换为电脉冲信号,确保测量过程的高精度和稳定性。
    • 编码器类型:一般为增量型编码器(Incremental Encoder),输出为脉冲信号,适用于速度和位置控制。
  3. 可靠性和耐用性

    • 环境适应性:设计用于工业环境,具有较高的抗震动和抗冲击能力。
    • 温度范围:能够在较宽的温度范围内稳定运行,适应各种工业环境。
  4. 信号输出

    • 输出类型:通常提供标准的A、B相脉冲信号和Z相零脉冲信号,方便与各种控制系统兼容。
    • 电气接口:支持多种电气接口,如TTL、HTL(高电平/低电平),能够满足不同应用需求。
  5. 安装和维护

    • 安装方式:通常为轴向安装,适合于标准的工业设备和机械系统。
    • 维护简便:设计考虑了易于维护和校准,便于定期检查和调整。

Nagano ATM1613光电编码器    实物图片:


english introduction:

Nagano ATM1613 is a high-precision optoelectronic encoder widely used in various industrial automation and control systems. Optical encoders are used to measure the angle, velocity, and position of rotational motion, and achieve precise motion control by converting mechanical motion into electrical signals.

Main features:

High resolution:

Resolution: Nagano ATM1613 provides high-resolution output that can accurately measure rotation angles and positions, typically with a resolution of up to one thousandth of a degree (i.e. up to several thousand pulses per revolution).

Accuracy: Provides high-precision angle and position measurements, suitable for application scenarios that require high-precision motion control.

Optoelectronic measurement technology:

Photoelectric sensing: Using photoelectric sensing technology to convert rotational motion into electrical pulse signals, ensuring high accuracy and stability in the measurement process.

Encoder type: Generally an incremental encoder, which outputs pulse signals and is suitable for speed and position control.

Reliability and Durability:

Environmental adaptability: Designed for industrial environments, it has high resistance to vibration and impact.

Temperature range: able to operate stably within a wide temperature range and adapt to various industrial environments.

Signal output:

Output type: Typically provides standard A-phase, B-phase pulse signals, and Z-phase zero pulse signals, making it compatible with various control systems.

Electrical interface: Supports multiple electrical interfaces, such as TTL and HTL (high/low level), to meet different application requirements.

Installation and maintenance:

Installation method: Usually axial installation, suitable for standard industrial equipment and mechanical systems.

Easy to maintain: The design considers ease of maintenance and calibration, making it convenient for regular inspections and adjustments.

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+86 15270269218