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  • PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块
  • PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块
  • PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块

PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块  是一款用于工业自动化系统的终端模块。它属于PHOENIX CONTACT的工业总线系统(Industrial Bus System)的一部分

PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块  详情介绍: 

PHOENIX IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 是一款用于工业自动化系统的终端模块。它属于PHOENIX CONTACT的工业总线系统(Industrial Bus System)的一部分,专为与西门子S7-400 PLC系列兼容设计。该终端模块用于扩展S7-400系列PLC的I/O功能,特别适合于数据采集和处理的应用场景。


  1. 兼容性

    • 与S7-400兼容:专为西门子S7-400 PLC系列设计,能够无缝集成到S7-400的控制系统中,确保系统扩展的顺利进行。
    • 支持多种总线系统:能够与各种工业总线系统兼容,支持不同类型的I/O模块扩展。
  2. 高性能数据处理

    • 数据采集:支持高速数据采集和处理,适用于需要高数据吞吐量和实时响应的应用。
    • 数据通讯:提供稳定的数据通讯功能,确保系统内各个组件之间的数据流畅传输。
  3. 模块化设计

    • 灵活扩展:模块化设计允许根据具体需求进行扩展,支持不同类型和数量的I/O模块。
    • 易于安装:采用DIN导轨安装方式,安装过程简单快捷,适应各种工业环境。
  4. 环境适应性

    • 工作温度范围:能够在广泛的温度范围内稳定运行,适应工业环境的各种工作条件。
    • 防护等级:具有良好的防尘和防水功能,适合于恶劣环境下的应用。
  5. 用户友好的操作

    • 直观的接口:提供直观的接口和操作界面,简化系统配置和维护过程。
    • 诊断功能:集成诊断功能,帮助用户监控系统状态和快速识别故障。

PHOENIX  IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T 终端模块    实物图片:


english introduction:

PHOENIX IBS S7 400 DSC/I-T is a terminal module used in industrial automation systems. It is part of the Industrial Bus System of PHOENIX CONTACT and is designed to be compatible with the Siemens S7-400 PLC series. This terminal module is used to expand the I/O function of S7-400 series PLC, and is particularly suitable for application scenarios of data acquisition and processing.

Main features:


Compatible with S7-400: Designed specifically for the Siemens S7-400 PLC series, it can be seamlessly integrated into the control system of S7-400, ensuring smooth system expansion.

Supports multiple bus systems: It is compatible with various industrial bus systems and supports expansion of different types of I/O modules.

High performance data processing:

Data Collection: Supports high-speed data collection and processing, suitable for applications that require high data throughput and real-time response.

Data Communication: Provides stable data communication functionality to ensure smooth data transmission between various components within the system.

Modular design:

Flexible Expansion: Modular design allows for expansion according to specific needs, supporting different types and quantities of I/O modules.

Easy to install: Adopting DIN rail installation method, the installation process is simple and fast, suitable for various industrial environments.

Environmental adaptability:

Working temperature range: able to operate stably within a wide temperature range and adapt to various working conditions in industrial environments.

Protection level: It has good dustproof and waterproof functions, suitable for applications in harsh environments.

User friendly operation:

Intuitive Interface: Provides intuitive interfaces and user interfaces to simplify system configuration and maintenance processes.

Diagnostic function: Integrated diagnostic function to help users monitor system status and quickly identify faults.

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PMB31D-20200-03LPS01HEIE 210050 R1
PMB33E-10114-00NASM02KT 8991a
PMB33E-20201-00NFTP01LT 370c
PMB33C-10216-01NHSS01K9033-015 K9033-015 ABB
PMB32D-00200-01NIAC01HESG 446917 R1


+86 15270269218