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Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器

  • Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器
  • Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器
  • Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器
  • Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器

Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器    是一款通信处理器,主要用于工业自动化系统中的数据处理和通信任务。

Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器    详情介绍:

Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE 是一款通信处理器,主要用于工业自动化系统中的数据处理和通信任务。它属于 Bachmann 的 IPC 系列,旨在提供高性能和可靠的通信处理能力。以下是该设备的主要特性、功能和应用领域:


  1. 处理能力:配备高性能处理器,能够处理复杂的计算和通信任务。

  2. 内存配置:包括1GB的内存(RAM)和8GB的CompactFlash存储(CF),提供足够的存储和运行空间以支持各种应用。

  3. 操作系统:运行 Windows XP Embedded(XPE),提供稳定的操作系统环境,支持工业应用程序的运行和管理。

  4. 通信接口:支持多种通信接口,如串口(RS-232/RS-485)、以太网(Ethernet)等,便于与其他设备和系统进行数据交换。

  5. 模块化设计:模块化设计使得设备的安装、升级和维护变得更加方便。

  6. 高可靠性:设计上具有高可靠性和耐用性,能够在各种工业环境中稳定运行。


  • 数据处理:高效处理来自工业设备的数据,进行计算和数据分析。

  • 通信处理:支持各种通信协议和接口,能够与不同的工业设备和系统进行数据交换。

  • 系统集成:与工业自动化系统中的其他模块和控制器进行集成,实现全面的数据管理和控制功能。

  • 实时监控:提供实时数据监控和分析功能,帮助用户及时了解系统状态。

  • 数据存储和管理:支持数据存储和管理功能,可以保存历史数据和系统日志。


  1. 工业自动化:用于工业自动化系统中,处理和管理设备数据,支持实时监控和控制。

  2. 制造业:在制造过程中进行数据处理和通信,优化生产流程和提高生产效率。

  3. 能源管理:在能源管理系统中用于数据处理和通信,支持能源监控和控制。

  4. 过程控制:在化工、石油、天然气等过程控制领域,处理和管理过程数据,确保过程的稳定性。

  5. 建筑自动化:用于建筑自动化系统中的数据处理和通信,管理建筑设备和系统。

Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE通信处理器   实物图片:


english introduction:

Bachmann IPC1412 FRE CM1G1 1G CF8G XPE is a communication processor primarily used for data processing and communication tasks in industrial automation systems. It belongs to Bachmann's IPC series, designed to provide high-performance and reliable communication processing capabilities. The following are the main features, functions, and application areas of the device:

Main characteristics

Processing capability: Equipped with high-performance processors, capable of handling complex computing and communication tasks.

Memory configuration: including 1GB of RAM and 8GB of CompactFlash storage (CF), providing sufficient storage and running space to support various applications.

Operating System: Running Windows XP Embedded (XPE), providing a stable operating system environment and supporting the running and management of industrial applications.

Communication interface: Supports multiple communication interfaces, such as serial port (RS-232/RS-485), Ethernet, etc., for easy data exchange with other devices and systems.

Modular design: Modular design makes installation, upgrading, and maintenance of equipment more convenient.

High reliability: Designed with high reliability and durability, it can operate stably in various industrial environments.


Data processing: Efficiently process data from industrial equipment for computation and data analysis.

Communication processing: Supports various communication protocols and interfaces, and can exchange data with different industrial equipment and systems.

System integration: Integrate with other modules and controllers in industrial automation systems to achieve comprehensive data management and control functions.

Real time monitoring: Provides real-time data monitoring and analysis functions to help users understand the system status in a timely manner.

Data storage and management: Supports data storage and management functions, and can save historical data and system logs.

application area 

Industrial automation: used in industrial automation systems to process and manage equipment data, supporting real-time monitoring and control.

Manufacturing: Data processing and communication in the manufacturing process to optimize production processes and improve production efficiency.

Energy management: Used for data processing and communication in energy management systems, supporting energy monitoring and control.

Process control: In the fields of chemical, petroleum, natural gas and other process control, process data is processed and managed to ensure process stability.

Building automation: used for data processing and communication in building automation systems, managing building equipment and systems.

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+86 15270269218