

+86 15270269218

Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服器

  • Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服器
  • Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服器
  • Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服器

Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服器

1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


Socapel SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流电伺服电机 是一款高性能的交流伺服电机,主要用于工业自动化、机器人技术、CNC 机床和其他需要高精度和高动态性能的应用场景。以下是关于该型号伺服电机的详细信息:

1. 基本参数

  • 型号: SOCASIN ST1 25-310
  • 电机类型: 交流伺服电机
  • 额定功率: 一般为 2 kW 左右,具体功率取决于负载要求
  • 额定转速: 通常为 3000 RPM(具体值可根据电机的应用需求和控制系统的设定进行调整)
  • 额定电流: 具体电流值根据负载和电机控制系统的配置不同
  • 电压: 标准电压一般为三相交流 400V 左右,可能支持更宽范围的电压适应
  • 控制方式: 常见的是通过闭环控制系统进行控制,确保精确的运动和定位控制

2. 应用领域

SOCASIN ST1 25-310 交流伺服电机广泛应用于以下领域:

  • 工业自动化: 用于生产线、物料搬运系统、自动化装配等领域,提供精确的动力输出。
  • 机器人技术: 特别适用于工业机器人和机械臂,支持精确的运动控制。
  • 数控机床: 用于数控设备的伺服控制系统,如 CNC 车床、铣床等。
  • 精密加工: 用于要求高精度、高稳定性的自动化设备,如电子产品制造、半导体设备等。

3. 性能特点

  • 高动态性能: 高响应速度,适用于需要快速加减速的应用。
  • 高精度: 配备高分辨率编码器和反馈系统,能够精确地控制位置和速度,适合精密应用。
  • 高效率: 永磁同步技术和优化的电磁设计,使电机具有较高的运行效率,减少能量消耗。
  • 低噪音和低振动: 设计上注重降低电机运转中的噪音和振动,适合对噪音有严格要求的环境。
  • 耐用性和可靠性: 具有良好的散热性能和抗干扰能力,适合在恶劣的工业环境中长期运行。


The Socapel SOCASIN ST125-310 AC servo motor is a high-performance AC servo motor primarily used in industrial automation, robotics, CNC machine tools, and other applications that require high precision and dynamic performance. The following is detailed information about this model of servo motor:

1. Basic parameters

model: SOCASIN ST1 25-310

Motor type: AC servo motor

Rated power: generally around 2 kW, the specific power depends on the load requirements

Rated speed: usually 3000 RPM (specific value can be adjusted according to the application requirements of the motor and the settings of the control system)

Rated current: The specific current value varies depending on the load and the configuration of the motor control system

Voltage: The standard voltage is generally around 400V for three-phase AC, which may support a wider range of voltage adaptation

Control method: The common approach is to use a closed-loop control system to ensure precise motion and positioning control

2. Application Fields

SOCASIN ST125-310 AC servo motor is widely used in the following fields:

Industrial automation: used in production lines, material handling systems, automated assembly, and other fields to provide precise power output.

Robotics technology: particularly suitable for industrial robots and robotic arms, supporting precise motion control.

Numerical Control Machine Tool: A servo control system used for numerical control equipment, such as CNC lathes, milling machines, etc.

Precision machining: used for automated equipment that requires high precision and stability, such as electronic product manufacturing, semiconductor equipment, etc.

3. Performance characteristics

High dynamic performance: High response speed, suitable for applications that require rapid acceleration and deceleration.

High precision: Equipped with a high-resolution encoder and feedback system, it can accurately control position and speed, suitable for precision applications.

High efficiency: Permanent magnet synchronous technology and optimized electromagnetic design enable the motor to have high operating efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Low noise and low vibration: The design focuses on reducing the noise and vibration during motor operation, making it suitable for environments with strict noise requirements.

Durability and reliability: It has good heat dissipation performance and anti-interference ability, suitable for long-term operation in harsh industrial environments.

2.产      品      展      示      



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+86 15270269218