

+86 15270269218

CCC TIOC-555HD 过渡模块

  • CCC TIOC-555HD 过渡模块
  • CCC TIOC-555HD 过渡模块
  • CCC TIOC-555HD 过渡模块

CCC TIOC-555HD 过渡模块 

1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


CCC TIOC-555HD 是由 Compressor Controls Corporation (CCC) 开发的高性能工业控制模块,主要用于压缩机和涡轮机控制系统。


  1. 石油和天然气行业: 用于天然气输送和液化天然气(LNG)处理过程中的压缩机和涡轮机控制,确保系统高效、安全运行。

  2. 电力行业: 在燃气轮机驱动的发电厂中,TIOC-555HD用于控制压缩机和涡轮机,提升发电效率和可靠性。

  3. 化工和制造业: 在化工生产和制造过程中,TIOC-555HD用于关键设备的控制,确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。


  • 实时控制与数据处理: 高速处理器确保系统数据采集、处理与控制逻辑执行的实时性,支持关键工艺参数的自动调节与优化。

  • 输入/输出 (I/O) 信号管理: 提供多个通道,支持模拟量和数字量输入/输出信号处理,与传感器、执行器等设备无缝连接,确保精确数据传输与控制。

  • 通信接口支持: 支持标准工业通信协议(如 Modbus、Profibus、Ethernet 等),实现与上位机、DCS 系统及其他控制模块的高效数据通信。

  • 冗余与故障保护: 支持冗余配置设计,增强系统可靠性,避免单点故障影响设备运行,集成诊断功能,实现故障检测与预警,减少系统停机时间。

  • 模块化设计: 支持模块化结构,便于系统集成、维护与升级,降低生命周期成本。


CCC TIOC-555HD is a high-performance industrial control module developed by Compressor Controls Corporation (CCC), mainly used for compressor and turbine control systems.

Main application areas:

Oil and gas industry: Used for controlling compressors and turbines in natural gas transportation and liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing to ensure efficient and safe system operation.

Power industry: In gas turbine driven power plants, TIOC-555HD is used to control compressors and turbines, improving power generation efficiency and reliability.

Chemical and manufacturing industries: In chemical production and manufacturing processes, TIOC-555HD is used for the control of critical equipment to ensure the stability and safety of the production process.

Main features:

Real time control and data processing: The high-speed processor ensures the real-time performance of system data acquisition, processing, and control logic execution, supporting automatic adjustment and optimization of key process parameters.

Input/Output (I/O) signal management: Provides multiple channels, supports analog and digital input/output signal processing, seamlessly connects with sensors, actuators, and other devices to ensure accurate data transmission and control.

Communication interface support: Supports standard industrial communication protocols (such as Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet, etc.) to achieve efficient data communication with the upper computer, DCS system, and other control modules.

Redundancy and Fault Protection: Supports redundant configuration design, enhances system reliability, avoids single point failures affecting equipment operation, integrates diagnostic functions, achieves fault detection and warning, and reduces system downtime.

Modular design: supports modular structure, facilitates system integration, maintenance, and upgrades, and reduces lifecycle costs.

2.产      品      展      示      

CCC         TIOC-555HD  .webp (2).jpg


BENDER IRDH575B1W-435绝缘监测仪

FFVO142 3BSE223732R0001视觉检测系统

HIMA F8650E 安全系统中央模块


Radisys EPC-3307 processor board

ASEA 57360001-AN circuit board

Kollmorgen 6SM37M-6000 servo motor

PXI-2503HONEYWELL 05701-A-0301 TU515 1SAP212200R0001
PXI-2501DPW01SDCS-CON-2B 3ADT309600R0012
PXI-1045DAI01DSTX170 57160001-ADK
PXAH4016SC6100-0AB00MC-TD0R22 51309150-175


+86 15270269218