R&S ZNB8矢量网络分析仪
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
R&S ZNB8 矢量网络分析仪是德国Rohde & Schwarz(R&S)公司生产的一款高性能矢量网络分析仪(VNA),主要用于射频(RF)和微波测试,适用于天线、滤波器、放大器、射频电路、无源/有源器件等的测量。
R&S ZNB8 主要特点
1. 频率范围
- 9 kHz 至 8 GHz(支持宽带测量)。
2. 高精度 & 低噪声
- 动态范围:> 140 dB(典型值,10 Hz IF 带宽)。
- 低迹线噪声:< 0.004 dB RMS(IF 带宽 10 kHz 时)。
- 低本底噪声:-120 dBm,适用于高精度测量。
3. 快速测量速度
- 速度快:测量时间仅需 4 ms(401 点),适用于高吞吐量生产测试。
- 支持多端口测量,可同时测试多个射频通道,提高效率。
4. 大触摸屏 & 友好界面
- 配备 12.1 英寸高分辨率触摸屏,操作直观。
- 多窗口显示,支持用户自定义布局,可同时查看多个参数。
5. 多种端口配置
- 2 端口 / 4 端口可选,支持差分测量,适用于不同应用需求。
- 低插入损耗、出色的源匹配性能,适合高精度测量。
6. 强大测量功能
- S 参数测量(S11、S21、S12、S22),适用于滤波器、放大器等网络分析。
- 时域分析(TDR),适用于高速信号完整性分析,如 PCB 走线、连接器、封装等。
- 谐波测量、互调失真(IMD)分析,适用于有源器件测试。
- 脉冲测量,可用于雷达、无线通信等应用。
7. 兼容多种接口
- GPIB、USB、LAN(VXI-11)、SCPI 远程控制,可集成至自动化测试系统。
- 支持 Python、LabVIEW、MATLAB 编程,方便工程师开发测试方案。
The R&S ZNB8 Vector Network Analyzer is a high-performance Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) produced by Rohde&Schwarz (R&S) in Germany. It is mainly used for radio frequency (RF) and microwave testing, and is suitable for measuring antennas, filters, amplifiers, RF circuits, passive/active devices, etc.
Main features of R&S ZNB8
1. Frequency range
9 kHz to 8 GHz (supports broadband measurement).
2. High precision&low noise
Dynamic range:> 140 dB (typical value, 10 Hz IF bandwidth).
Low trace noise:< 0.004 dB RMS (at an IF bandwidth of 10 kHz).
Low background noise:- 120 dBm, suitable for high-precision measurement.
3. Quickly measure speed
Fast speed: Measurement time only takes 4 ms (401 points), suitable for high-throughput production testing.
Support multi port measurement, capable of testing multiple RF channels simultaneously to improve efficiency.
4. Large touch screen&user-friendly interface
Equipped with a 12.1-inch high-resolution touch screen, the operation is intuitive.
Multi window display, supports user-defined layout, and can view multiple parameters simultaneously.
5. Multiple port configurations
2-port/4-port options are available, supporting differential measurement and suitable for different application requirements.
Low insertion loss, excellent source matching performance, suitable for high-precision measurement.
6. Powerful measurement function
S-parameter measurement (S11, S21, S12, S22), suitable for network analysis of filters, amplifiers, etc.
Time Domain Analysis (TDR) is suitable for high-speed signal integrity analysis, such as PCB routing, connectors, packaging, etc.
Harmonic measurement and intermodulation distortion (IMD) analysis, suitable for active device testing.
Pulse measurement can be used for applications such as radar and wireless communication.
7. Compatible with multiple interfaces
GPIB, USB, LAN (VXI-11), SCPI remote control, can be integrated into automated testing systems.
Supports programming with Python, LabVIEW, and MATLAB, making it convenient for engineers to develop testing solutions.
2.产 品 展 示
ABB UN0807C-P Programmable Controller
HE700GEN200 Network Interface Module
ABB 70BK03c-E Control I/O Module
K32HCHM-LNK-NS-00 | HA42A6-R233 | IMSPM01 |
K32HCHM-LEK-M2-01 | SE06200-000000 | IEFAN01 |
K32HCHM-LEK-M2-00 | S60300-NA | IMMFP12 |
K32HCHL-LNK-NS-01 | SLO-SYN430P1 | IMDS014 |
K32HCHL-LNK-NS-00 | H3801 | BRC400 |
K32HCHL-LEK-M2-01 | HH-J715-0000 | BRC-200 |
K32HCHL-LEK-M2-00 | SS2000IV | IMAS011 |