

+86 15270269218

WOODWARD 5501-470数字调速器

  • WOODWARD 5501-470数字调速器
  • WOODWARD 5501-470数字调速器

WOODWARD 5501-470数字调速器通常能够记录和监测设备的运行数据,以便进行性能分析和故障诊断。

WOODWARD 5501-470产品详情:

  1. 数字化控制: 5501-470 数字调速器采用数字控制技术,具有高精度和可编程性,可以精确控制设备的转速和性能。

  2. PID控制: 这种调速器通常具有PID(比例-积分-微分)控制算法,可实现高度稳定的控制回路,以确保设备运行在设定的操作点。

  3. 通信接口: WOODWARD 5501-470数字调速器通常具有通信接口,允许与其他控制系统组件进行通信,例如PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或DCS(分布式控制系统)。

  4. 报警和保护功能: 它通常配备了报警和保护功能,可监测设备的运行状态并采取必要的措施,以防止过载、过热或其他问题。

  5. 数据记录和监测: 这种调速器通常能够记录和监测设备的运行数据,以便进行性能分析和故障诊断。

WOODWARD 5501-470实物视频:

WOODWARD 5501-470实物拍摄图片:

5501-470 -2.jpg

WOODWARD 5501-470product details:

Digital control: The 5501 470 digital governor adopts digital control technology, which has high precision and programmability, and can accurately control the speed and performance of the equipment.

PID control: This type of governor usually has a PID (Proportional Integral Differential) control algorithm, which can achieve a highly stable control loop to ensure that the equipment operates at the set operating points.

Communication interface: Digital governors typically have communication interfaces that allow communication with other control system components, such as PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) or DCS (Distributed Control System).

Alarm and protection functions: It is usually equipped with alarm and protection functions, which can monitor the operating status of the equipment and take necessary measures to prevent overload, overheating, or other problems.

Data recording and monitoring: This type of governor is usually able to record and monitor equipment operating data for performance analysis and fault diagnosis.

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ABB YB560103-BL ABB 3HAB8801-1ABB 3E032176 
ABB YB560103-BN ABB 3HAC17396-1 ABB 3E032455 
ABB YB560103-BR  ABB 3HAC4296-1ABB 3E034013 
ABB YB560103-CA  ABB 3HNE00001-1 ABB 3E034410 
ABB YB560103-CB  ABB 3HNE00010-1 ABB 3E041482 



+86 15270269218